Saffron risotto with Prosciutto di Parma, asparagus and Parmesan
Saffron risotto with Prosciutto di Parma, asparagus and Parmesan

A generous pinch of saffron strands
2 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil
350g risotto rice (such as Arborio or Carnaroli)
1 bunch spring onions, thinly sliced
1 clove of garlic, crushed
150 ml dry white wine
150 g of sliced asparagus
1 liter of hot vegetable stock
6 tbps grated Parmesan reggaino
8 slices of Prosciutto di Parma Ferrari cut in half
Salt and black pepper
Put the saffron threads in a measuring jug and add 150 ml of boiling water and leave to infuse for 10 min. Heat the olive oil in a large deep frying pan, add the rice and cook over low heat for 2-3 minutes, stirring all the time until it appears translucent but not browned. Add the spring onions and garlic. Cook another minute, stirring constantly.
Pour the white wine and let it blend for a moment. Add the saffron and it’s soaking liquid, asparagus and a couple of ladlefuls of hot broth.
Stir well and cook over medium heat for 20-25 minutes, gradually adding the remaining stock until the rice is tender.
Add cheese and Prosciutto di Parma Ferrari, stirring them through. Season to taste with salt and pepper and serve.
Parma ham wrapped scallop and king prawn surf'n'turf skewers
Parma ham wrapped scallop and king prawn surf'n'turf skewers

4 long stems of fresh rosemary
4 slices of Parma ham Ferrari cut in half lengthwise
8 scallops
12 raw king prawns
Extra virgin olive oil
2 handfuls of chopped coriander
3 tbsp capers
3 tbsp diced cucumber
1 tbsp chopped red onion
½ green chilli, finely chopped
4 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil
Zest and juice of 1 lemon
Zest and juice of 1 lime
Salt and black pepper
Strip the leaves off the rosemary spears leaving 2-3 cm leaves at the end of the each.
Wrap a strip of Parma Ham Ferrari around each scallop. Tread a prawn onto each rosemary skewer followed by a Prosciutto di Parma Ferrari-wrapped scallop.
Combine all the ingredients for the salsa and seasone to taste.
Heat a lightly oied heavy based frying pan, gridle or barbecue and cook the skewers for 1-2 minute each side until the prawns are pin and no longer raw, and the scallops are firm to touch.
Serve the skewers with plenty of salsa and green leafy salad leaves.
Pink gnochetti with Prosciutto di Parma Ferrari
Pink gnochetti with Prosciutto di Parma Ferrari

1kg floury potatoes
1 whole egg
300 grams of flour 00
2 beetroot
4 slices of Prosciutto di Parma Ferrari
50 g butter
100 g cream
Grated Parmigiano Reggiano
Boil the potatoes, cook the beetroot in the oven and mash booth mix in the fourl and the whole egg with a little salt and knead the dough so that it is firm but soft. Form long strips type cylinders, cut up into quite small pieces and dust with flour. Cook the gnocchi in salted water, allow them to float to the top and take out with a slotted spoon.
To season them, put the cream, the butter and a pinch of salt in a pan and heat on a low flame mixing all the ingredients. Next, pour the water well drained gnocchetti into sauce. Meanwhile, onto each serving plate, place a slice of Prosciutto di Parma Ferrari previusly warmed in a non-stick pan and lay gnocchetti hot. Sprinkle with grated Parmigiano Reggiano.