Lamb chop and trombetta mushrooms crust with Prosciutto di Parma veil

1 rack of lamb
10 gr trombetta mushroom
1 lemon
180 gr Prosciutto di Parma
1 dl extra virgin olive oil
20 gr butter
1 dl meat stock
4 cherry tomatos
8 green olives
1 egg
grated bread
oil to fry
herbs to decorate
Deeply clean the mushrooms and dry them in the salad shaker; brown some sprigs of thyme in a pan with some oil and sautè mushrooms adding butter. Add salt and pepper, leave mushrooms to cool and chop them. In the meantime clean the hotel rack cut 4 medallios with bone. Take the Prosciutto di Parma and take some aromatic fat out, chop it with some lemon rind and add half of the mushrooms prepared before. Chop some Prosciutto di Parma slices, grate some lemon rind and with this filling, stuff the green olives and bread them (flour, egg, grated bread). With the left mushrooms prepare the sauce, adding some meat stock and mix everything adding oil and strai everything with a medium colander. Heat a pan, dress and spice the meat and cook it with some extra virgin oil. Cover the upper part with mushrooms, bake it for 5 mins. with tomatoes. In the meantime fry olives.
Dry the lamb chops and decorate the plate with the sauce, the olives and rest the lamb chops on it placing the Prosciutto di Parma veils side by side.
Decorate with the cherry tomato, herbs and a drizzle of oil.
Serve warm.