Norway lobster enveloped in Prosciutto di Parma slices

1) Norway lobsters
8 Norway lobsters’ tail
8 slices Prosciutto di Parma
2) Salad
200 gr green and clean apple sticks cut
50 gr red currants or pomegranate
50 gr white celery finely cut
100 gr di misticanza (pasqualina, riccia, valerian, rocket, mint, estragone, shallot, basil, dill, spinach and parsley)
3) Vinegrette
50 gr di traditional Modena balsamic vinegar
100 gr extra vergin olive oil
30 gr lemon juice
salt and pepper
4) Honey and Vinegar’s Reduction
100 gr di thick honey
100 gr red vinegar
lemon rind
Red currants
5) Herbs oil
200 gr extra vergin olive oil
30 gr basil
30 gr shallot
30 gr parsley
30 gr dill
20 gr estragone
20 gr majoran
salt and pepper
1) Norway lobsters
Shell lobsters, leaving the tail. Take the intestinal guts away.
Envelop tails in Prosciutto di Parma slices.
2) Salad
Mix the apples, already cut, with celery and red currants. Dress with salt, sugar, lemon juice and extra virgin olive oil.
3) Vinegrette
Emulsfy in a pan all the prepared ingrdients
4) Reduction
Put in a casserole all the ingredients. Mettere in un casseruola tutti gli ingredienti.
Reduce half of the Fare ridurre della metà.
Fare raffreddare.
5) Herbs oil
Mix all the ingredients in a mixer and leave the mixture cool in cold water and ice.
Finishing and presentation
Put the “misticanza” salad in the center of the plate and add the apples’ salad on the top
Quickly brown the enveloped tails with some oil. Put the tails on the apples’ salad’s top.
Decorate with the vinegrett reduction and some honey.
Trim with some herbs oil and some fried leeks on the top of the tails.
Chef Massimo Ferrari